Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Queen Mothers' Platform Host Successful 3rd Annual Conference and Workshop on Traditional Leaders in African Governance.

The 3rd Annual Conference and Workshop, organized by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) in partnership with the Queen Mothers' Platform and the Bono Regional Queen Mothers, recently took place. The event aimed to advance the role of Queen Mothers in Customary Land Governance in Ghana and increase their recognition and representation in policy discussions. COLANDEF has been providing support to the Queen Mothers' Platform in achieving these goals.


KAS, specifically the Ghana office, has been a strategic ally of the Queen Mothers' Platform and the Bono Regional Queen Mothers for some years now. Their collaboration focuses on enhancing the capacity of traditional leaders in various areas of their work. This year’s theme for the conference and workshop focused on "Traditional Leaders in Contemporary African Governance: The Clash of Laws, Authorities, and Responsibilities." It provided participants with an opportunity to explore the role of traditional leaders in relation to both statutory and customary laws that are currently in effect.


The event highlighted the challenges faced by Traditional Leaders and emphasized their significant contribution to African governance. The conference and workshop took place at the Tyco City Hotel in Sunyani. In attendance were the Country Representative of KAS, the Bono Regional Minister, the Chieftaincy Minister, and the Deputy Minister of Justice and Attorney General, among others. Paramount Queen Mothers from all the regions were also selected to participate in the program. The National Executives of the Queen Mothers' Platform expressed their gratitude to KAS for their ongoing efforts in organizing capacity-building programs for Queen Mothers.


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