Queen Mothers' Platform (Ghana)

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Savannah Regional Chapter of the QMP holds Workshop in Sawula-Tuna-Kalba District

A Workshop was organized on Saturday 12th June 2021 at the Good Shepherd Catholic Church Tuna, by The Savanah Regional President of the Queen Mothers’ Platform in collaboration with The Sawula-Tuna District (STKD) Gender Officer. This Workshop was sponsored by the Center for Active Learning and Integrated Development (CALID). This NGO will be working with the Savannah Regional Branch of the Queen Mothers’ Platform from 2021 to 2022. The collaboration will be addressing: Advocacy on Girl Child Marriages, Teenage Pregnancy, and Parents removing Girls from School to learn trades.

The Workshop was organized for about 70 participants, with about 3 women per village from the Tuna area, as well as some male community leaders. At the end of the Workshop, the women and the community leaders present promised to protect girls, keep them in school, and help them to reach their full potential.